Cart Cow

Beef like you’ve never experienced it before. Now available to order online for takeaway.

Cart Cow

Cat Pose — Marjaryasana (mahr-jahr-ee-AHS-uh-nuh) — is often paired with Cow Pose — Bitilasana (bee-tee-LAHS-uh-nuh) — for a gentle warm-up sequence.When practiced together, the poses help to stretch the body and prepare it for other activity. Benefits of Cat-Cow. Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. Agile and lightweight, our workstations-on-wheels quickly move to the point of need. Outfit your cart with a laptop, computer system or other digital equipment to meet your individual requirements.

Our natural food systems in Tasmania are well known, we are one of the very few places on the planet growing beef free of artificial hormones and antibiotics, animals are grass fed and free ranging, happy cows taste better and are kinder to the planet! While premium Tasmanian beef is what we are known for, dishes are designed around a range fresh local produce and seafood, much of it organic, served in a warm casual bistro style atmosphere….or delivered to your door!


The Black Cow logo has been inspired by the amazing ancient artworks in the Lascaux Caves in France. Carbon dating indicates that these paintings are more than 17,000 years old.

Black Cow, the name, is a tribute to the Bos Genus… Historically the cow has been important to many cultures. It has been seen and worshiped as a symbol of contentedness, fecundity, the passive yet creative and generative powers of nature, patience, nourishment, abundance, fertility and equifinality.

It is also, of course, an excellent source of protein.


Computer On Wheel

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