
The system which should help to track their marketing professionals from remote to check whether they meet the customer at their location, works productively in that location, collecting their required data and measure them with their task plan.

I would like to know, if Odoo supports these requirements or if anybody implemented any such related apps?
Suggestion regarding this will be highly appreciated.

2 RĂ©ponses

ITeleporter is an iOS system GPS modifier that is not a jailbreak or a tweaked app. It should never be detected by Niantic, which helps ensure a higher safety level for iOS GPS spoofing. Plug the iTeleporter series into your lightning port or connect it via Bluetooth.

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  3. Data block contains summary statistics for tracked groups of difar bearings Summary statistics are calculated not only on an individual channel, but individually for each sonobuoy deployment.
  4. Subclasses of PamObservable in GPS; Modifier and Type Class and Description; class: GPSDataBlock. Add a bit of extra functionality to GPSDataBlock so that it can check new GPS data are 'reasonable' and flag bad ones. Methods in GPS with parameters of type PamObservable.


The requirement can be implemented in Odoo. There are different apps that works with the Geo location, such as tracking the location while marking the attendance, tracking the location while logging into the system etc.

Also there i can see a paid module which stands similar to your requirement in the odoo store, you can have a look at that module or developer one using a developer or your own. Module :- Odoo Assets/Person GPS Tracking Integration

TherapyGp modifier humana

Gp Modifier Cms



Gp Modifier Cpt

In my vehicle fleet has same tracking system <a hrefs=''></a>.. Advanced systems determine the sector in which the trucks resides and roughly estimate also the distance to the base station. Further approximation can be accomplished by interpolating signals between adjacent antenna towers. Qualified services may achieve a precision of down to 50 meters in urban areas where mobile traffic and density of antenna towers (base stations) is sufficiently high. Rural and desolate areas may see miles between base stations and therefore determine locations less precisely.