Garage Sale Inventory App

Every weekend many families hold yard sales to clear out the clutter from there attics and garages. Most of the time the families are more concerned with just getting rid of the items and collecting a little money along the way. What if the family wanted to be able to set a financial goal from the yard sale. Many families have budgeted the money to allow them to take a vacation, renovate a part of the house or buy something the entire family can enjoy, like a new TV. Don't you want to be sure your yard sale goes off without a hitch and all of your stuff is accounted for? Then you should try our online inventory system, Stockpile, to help out with keeping track of your items.

  1. Inventory App Free
  2. Garage Sale Inventory App Free
  3. Garage Sale Inventory App
  4. App For Inventory

A lot of times, family members will just identify a dollar amount and hope to reach that amount. Would it not be better to evaluate your inventory before hand and identify the minimum amount for each item that you would like to get from the customer. Using Stockpile, an online inventory application created by Canvus, will allow your family to be able to achieve your financial goal from the yard sale. You can enter in the items in the inventory system and set the price of what you expect to get from the item as your original cost. If you were able to sell the item at that price you would be able to meet your financial goal. If you can get more for the item you can help get to that financial goal a little quicker. We all know that at yard sales a lot of bargaining goes on. Stockpile will allow you to know what the floor price of the item and allow you to be able bargain with customer to be able to sell the item and still meet your financial goal. Stockpile also gives you real-time data as long as the sale of an item is entered when it is sold, so the family can keep track during the yard sale to see if you are going to be able to meet the financial bench mark set before the being of the yard sale. You may ask how can you track the sales in real-time. We don't plan on having a computer available during the yard sale. That is the benefit of Stockpile. It is compatible with smart phones. The application even resizes to fit your phones screen, whether it is running on a Apple or Android based operating system. The next time you have a yard sale think about Stockpile to be able to meet your financial goals from the items your selling.

Garage inventory list
  • Shopmonkey is now available on the iPad and iPhone! Built specifically for techs, this first version of the app includes workflow, VIN scan, digital vehicle inspections, and to-do lists. Easily track progress as work is completed and everything stays in sync with the web app.
  • A comprehensive invoicing program, Garage Partner enables shop owners to manage not only their invoices but also the other aspects of their business. This program has a comprehensive feature set for point-of-sale (POS), credit card interface, online parts ordering, inventory management and contact management.
  • Automobile workshop management software module helps in manage auto spare parts inventory, sales, order, vehicle servicing details, job card, customer claim records, insurance, workshop vehicle tools, mechanic leaves & attendance. Workshop software is also known as the Garage management software.
Inventory app free

There are lots of reasons to have display table signs at your next garage sale! Especially at multi-family garage sales, the day or weekend of the garage sale can be especially crazy. Here at TallySheet, our goal is to make sure your event runs as smoothly as possible. Our cash register app takes credit card payments Continue reading.

Best Apps for Pricing Items


Flipping or reselling secondhand items for profit can be a fun hobby or a lucrative business. What helps it transition from the former to the latter is preparation – doing your homework to figure out which items are valuable and worth the investment.

Knowing how much you can make on a item is something that once took a series of trials and errors to figure out. Now it’s as easy as a few clicks. Check out the following apps that let you quickly check pricing info, list sales online, and check sales performance.

Profit Bandit

Profit Bandit bills itself as “The #1 mobile scanning app for Amazon sellers” with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The app offers barcode scanning and profit calculations based on 15 factors, as well as “Intelligent Repricing,” which aims to keep track of your competition and maximize profit on every sale. It is available on iPhone and Android for a one-time fee.


TeraPeak is a robust pricing and sales app for Amazon and eBay. The app gives you pricing info, benchmark data and sales analytics for both Amazon and eBay. The analytics, which give you the ability to track sales and measure performance across multiple channels, seem to be a major advantage of the app. The app is available on iPhone and Android, and you are charged a monthly service fee.


ScanPower is a selling app with a simple premise: “Source. List. Sell.” The app offers tools for price scanning, listing, repricing and evaluating new products. The app is available on iPhone and Android. Services are a la carte, meaning that you can pick and choose which services you want to add on to your package.


Inventory App Free

iBookSeller is a mobile pricing and scanning app for selling books only. You can scan the ISBN or UPC number of any book and get important pricing and sales info from Amazon Marketplace. The app is available for a one-time fee, on iPhone only.

Garage sale inventory app

Garage Sale Inventory App Free



SellerMobile is a third-party app that aims to provide much of the functionality found on Amazon Seller Central. In addition to barcode scanning, the app offers Amazon FBA order listing and inventory management. It is currently available for a one-time fee on iPhone only with pending availability on Android.

Garage Sale Inventory App

Amazon Seller

In response to all the third-party seller apps, Amazon recently rolled out their own app called Amazon Seller. The app offers pricing and selling functionality, with an ability to calculate your profit, minus any applicable Amazon fees. The big advantage is that the app is free. However, some publications have noted that Amazon Seller does not yet provide as much functionality as other third-party apps offer. It remains to be seen whether Amazon’s free app will deliver better service, or whether it will remain free in the future.

App For Inventory

What tools or apps have you found helpful when selling online? Give us your two cents by leaving a comment.