
Manage todo lists with ease. Powerful, easy to use and customizable. View the demo.

  1. Taskpaper For Ipad
  2. Taskpaper Sync
  3. Taskpaper For Ipad
  4. Taskpaper Ios
  5. Hog Bay Software


  • Easy to use: you're just a few shortcuts away from becoming a master
  • Portable: being a plain text format you can read and edit it using any editor
  • Custom symbols: you can replace the default symbols with any of the supported ones
    • Box: -[][ ]
    • Done: +[x][X][+]
    • Cancelled: xX[-]
  • Custom colors: all colors can be customized
  • Custom special tags: special tags' names and their colors can be customized
  • Archive: you can move finished todos to a special 'Archive' section with a shortcut
  • Formatting: you can format text in a markdown-like fashion, we support: bold, italic, ~~strikethrough~~ and code
  • Go To Symbol: you can easily move between projects by using the Go to Symbol in File... command
  • TaskPaper compatible: just set todo.symbols.box, todo.symbols.done and todo.symbols.cancelled to -
  • Timekeeping: you can mark todos as started and track elapsed time until completion
  • Timer: a timer can be displayed in the statusbar for started todos
  • Time estimates: you can estimate the time it will take to complete a todo by adding a tag to it that looks like this: @est(3 hours), @est(2h30m) or @2h30m. Then you can use the [est], [est-total], [est-finished] and [est-finished-percentage] tokens in statistics
  • Statistics: statistics about your entire file and/or project-level statistics about your individual projects
  • Embedded todos: it's common to have //TODO or //FIXME comments in our code, this extension can find those as well
  • Activity bar views: you can view your todo file and your embedded todos from a custom activity bar section


Follow the instructions in the Marketplace, or run the following in the command palette:

TaskPaper is a simple to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Unlike standard organizers, TaskPaper gets out of your way so that you can get things done.

  • Powerfully productive. OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time.
  • ‎ 'The Best TaskPaper app for iOS' — Macdrifter 'Excellent Task Manager'— Cult of Mac “Taskmator, a powerful TaskPaper client for iPhone and iPad, has received full Reminders Integration” — Federico Viticci, MacStories 'Taskmator is really neat and great' —Merlin Mann 'I love using the Tas.


It adds 11 commands to the command palette:

It adds 6 shortcuts when editing a Todo file:


Changing some settings (symbols, colors, providers...) requires a restart.

An actual regex will be generated from the value of the todo.embedded.regex setting. It uses 2 capturing groups, the first one captures the type of the todo (TODO, FIXME etc.) and the second one captures an optional description (TODO: description).

Dates are formatted using moment.


Embedded Todos Providers

This extension supports various providers for searching for embedded todos, it'll use the one you set via the todo.embedded.provider setting or the first one available between:

  1. ag / The Silver Searcher: About 50x faster than the javascript provider, it'll use the regex defined under todo.embedded.providers.ag.regex. It must be installed in your system.
  2. rg / ripgrep: About 50x faster than the javascript provider, it'll use the regex defined under todo.embedded.providers.rg.regex. It doesn't support lookaheads and lookbehinds. It must be installed in your system, or Visual Studio Code must include it.
  3. javascript: Works on every system, but it's quite slow. This is the fallback provider.

ag and rg will use their specific regexes for finding the lines containing embedded todos, then those lines will be searched in using the regex defined under todo.embedded.regex.

Statistics Tokens

The following tokens can be used in todo.statistics.project.text, todo.statistics.statusbar.text and todo.statistics.statusbar.tooltip, they will be replaced with the value they represent.

[comments]Number of comments
[projects]Number of projects
[tags]Number of tags
[pending]Number of pending todos
[done]Number of done todos
[cancelled]Number of cancelled todos
[finished]Number of finished todos
[all]Number of todos
[percentage]Percentage of finished todos
[est]Estimated time left
[est-total]Total estimated time
[est-finished]Estimated time of finished todos
[est-finished-percentage]Percentage of estimated time in finished todos
[lasted]Time the task lasted
[wasted]Time wasted on task
[elapsed]Sum of [lasted] and [wasted]


Taskpaper For Ipad

Example todo file

Embedded todos

Activity bar views


Timekeeping & Timer


  • Dark/Light Themes: if you switch between dark and light themes, remember that you can provide specific colors for them via the todo.colors.dark.* and todo.colors.light.* settings, which will override the default todo.colors.* settings.

  • Activity Bar: you can switch the focus to the Todo activity bar view by assigning a shortcut to the workbench.view.extension.todo command.

  • Icons: icons can be used in todo.statistics.statusbar.text. Here you can browse a list of supported icons. If for instance you click the first icon, you'll get a page with .octicon-alert written in it, to get the string to use simply remove the .octicon- part, so in this case the icon name would be alert.

  • CLI: you can view your embedded todos from the command line with the todo command if you install ag and add the following to your shell configuration file:


  • Highlight: I recommend using this extension for highlighting your embedded todos.

  • Markdown Todo: Manage todo lists inside markdown files with ease.

  • Projects+ Todo+: Bird's-eye view over your projects, view all your todo files aggregated into one.

  • Noty: Autosaving sticky note with support for multiple notes, find/replace, programmers shortcuts and more. It implements a subset of the functionalities provided by this extension.

  • Notable: The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.


If you found a problem, or have a feature request, please open an issue about it.

If you want to make a pull request you can debug the extension using Debug Launcher.


MIT © Fabio Spampinato

Manage todo lists with ease. Powerful, easy to use and customizable. View the demo.


  • Easy to use: you're just a few shortcuts away from becoming a master
  • Portable: being a plain text format you can read and edit it using any editor
  • Custom symbols: you can replace the default symbols with any of the supported ones
    • Box: -[][ ]
    • Done: +[x][X][+]
    • Cancelled: xX[-]
  • Custom colors: all colors can be customized
  • Custom special tags: special tags' names and their colors can be customized
  • Archive: you can move finished todos to a special 'Archive' section with a shortcut
  • Formatting: you can format text in a markdown-like fashion, we support: bold, italic, ~~strikethrough~~ and code
  • Go To Symbol: you can easily move between projects by using the Go to Symbol in File... command
  • TaskPaper compatible: just set todo.symbols.box, todo.symbols.done and todo.symbols.cancelled to -
  • Timekeeping: you can mark todos as started and track elapsed time until completion
  • Timer: a timer can be displayed in the statusbar for started todos
  • Time estimates: you can estimate the time it will take to complete a todo by adding a tag to it that looks like this: @est(3 hours), @est(2h30m) or @2h30m. Then you can use the [est], [est-total], [est-finished] and [est-finished-percentage] tokens in statistics
  • Statistics: statistics about your entire file and/or project-level statistics about your individual projects
  • Embedded todos: it's common to have //TODO or //FIXME comments in our code, this extension can find those as well
  • Activity bar views: you can view your todo file and your embedded todos from a custom activity bar section


Follow the instructions in the Marketplace, or run the following in the command palette:


It adds 11 commands to the command palette:

It adds 6 shortcuts when editing a Todo file:


Taskpaper Sync

Changing some settings (symbols, colors, providers...) requires a restart.

An actual regex will be generated from the value of the todo.embedded.regex setting. It uses 2 capturing groups, the first one captures the type of the todo (TODO, FIXME etc.) and the second one captures an optional description (TODO: description).

Taskpaper For Ipad

Dates are formatted using moment.

Embedded Todos Providers

This extension supports various providers for searching for embedded todos, it'll use the one you set via the todo.embedded.provider setting or the first one available between:

  1. ag / The Silver Searcher: About 50x faster than the javascript provider, it'll use the regex defined under todo.embedded.providers.ag.regex. It must be installed in your system.
  2. rg / ripgrep: About 50x faster than the javascript provider, it'll use the regex defined under todo.embedded.providers.rg.regex. It doesn't support lookaheads and lookbehinds. It must be installed in your system, or Visual Studio Code must include it.
  3. javascript: Works on every system, but it's quite slow. This is the fallback provider.

ag and rg will use their specific regexes for finding the lines containing embedded todos, then those lines will be searched in using the regex defined under todo.embedded.regex.

Statistics Tokens

The following tokens can be used in todo.statistics.project.text, todo.statistics.statusbar.text and todo.statistics.statusbar.tooltip, they will be replaced with the value they represent.

[comments]Number of comments
[projects]Number of projects
[tags]Number of tags
[pending]Number of pending todos
[done]Number of done todos
[cancelled]Number of cancelled todos
[finished]Number of finished todos
[all]Number of todos
[percentage]Percentage of finished todos
[est]Estimated time left
[est-total]Total estimated time
[est-finished]Estimated time of finished todos
[est-finished-percentage]Percentage of estimated time in finished todos
[lasted]Time the task lasted
[wasted]Time wasted on task
[elapsed]Sum of [lasted] and [wasted]


Example todo file

Embedded todos

Activity bar views


Timekeeping & Timer


Taskpaper Ios

  • Dark/Light Themes: if you switch between dark and light themes, remember that you can provide specific colors for them via the todo.colors.dark.* and todo.colors.light.* settings, which will override the default todo.colors.* settings.

  • Activity Bar: you can switch the focus to the Todo activity bar view by assigning a shortcut to the workbench.view.extension.todo command.

  • Icons: icons can be used in todo.statistics.statusbar.text. Here you can browse a list of supported icons. If for instance you click the first icon, you'll get a page with .octicon-alert written in it, to get the string to use simply remove the .octicon- part, so in this case the icon name would be alert.

  • CLI: you can view your embedded todos from the command line with the todo command if you install ag and add the following to your shell configuration file:


Hog Bay Software

  • Highlight: I recommend using this extension for highlighting your embedded todos.

  • Markdown Todo: Manage todo lists inside markdown files with ease.

  • Projects+ Todo+: Bird's-eye view over your projects, view all your todo files aggregated into one.

  • Noty: Autosaving sticky note with support for multiple notes, find/replace, programmers shortcuts and more. It implements a subset of the functionalities provided by this extension.

  • Notable: The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.


If you found a problem, or have a feature request, please open an issue about it.

If you want to make a pull request you can debug the extension using Debug Launcher.


MIT © Fabio Spampinato